Claus WAGNERAge: 99 years1584–1684
- Name
- Claus WAGNER
Birth | about January 29, 1584 |
Death of a wife | N. N. about February 12, 1672 (Age 88 years) Source: We,1672/08 Note: Den Mittwochen hernach Clausen Wagenern Haußfraw in Lindewerra begraben atatis 70.
Burial of a wife | N. N. February 14, 1672 (Age 88 years) |
Death | about January 15, 1684 (Age 99 years) Source: We,1684/03 Note: Den nechst folgenden Donnerstag Claus Wagener begraben, seines Alters 100. Jahr weniger 14 Tage.
Burial | January 17, 1684 (2 days after death) |
Religion | EV yes |
Family with N. N. |
himself |
Claus WAGNER Birth: about January 29, 1584 Death: about January 15, 1684 — Lindewerra |
wife |
N. N. Birth: about 1602 Death: about February 12, 1672 — Lindewerra |