Johann Ewald Andreas SCHLUNGAge: 0 days1891–1891
- Name
- Johann Ewald Andreas SCHLUNG
Birth | July 15, 1891 Source: Fr,G1891/03 |
Christening | July 15, 1891 (on the date of death) Note: Nottaufe; Pate: Witwe Marie SCHLUNG aus Fretterode
Death | July 15, 1891 Source: Fr,S1891/02 |
Burial | July 18, 1891 (3 days after death) |
Religion | EV yes |
Family with parents |
father |
Wilhelm SCHLUNG Birth: December 27, 1856 — Fretterode Death: November 8, 1922 |
mother |
Juliane Mathilde FAHRENBACH Birth: about February 4, 1870 Death: January 20, 1944 — Fretterode |
himself |
Johann Ewald Andreas SCHLUNG Birth: July 15, 1891 — Fretterode Death: July 15, 1891 — Fretterode |
1 year younger brother |
Wilhelm Ewald SCHLUNG Birth: July 14, 1892 — Fretterode Death: |
20 months younger sister |
Erna Frieda Elisabeth SCHLUNG Birth: March 22, 1894 — Fretterode Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Johann Wilhelm Alfred SCHLUNG Birth: May 31, 1897 — Fretterode Death: September 21, 1916 |