Friedrich Reinhold STRICKSTROCKAge: 6 years1887–1894
- Name
- Friedrich Reinhold STRICKSTROCK
Birth | August 9, 1887 Source: Di,G1887/01 |
Christening | August 28, 1887 (Age 19 days) Note: Pate: Friedrich Wilhelm MORGENTHAL, Landwirt in Wahlhausen
Birth of a brother | Wilhelm Martin STRICKSTROCK July 5, 1891 (Age 3 years) Source: Di,G1891/01 |
Christening of a brother | Wilhelm Martin STRICKSTROCK July 26, 1891 (Age 3 years) Note: Pate: Junggesell Wilhelm SCHLUNG aus Fretterode
Death of a maternal grandmother | Maria Elisabeth SCHLUNCK February 1, 1892 (Age 4 years) Source: Fr,S1892/02 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Andreas RÜHLING April 16, 1892 (Age 4 years) Source: Fr,S1892/03 |
Death | April 23, 1894 (Age 6 years) Source: Di,S1894/01 |
Burial | April 26, 1894 (3 days after death) |
Religion | EV yes |
Family with parents |
father |
Martin STRICKSTROCK Birth: August 4, 1855 — Dietzenrode Death: |
mother |
Katharina Sophia RÜHLING Birth: October 20, 1856 — Fretterode Death: |
Marriage: August 22, 1880 — Dietzenrode |
13 months elder sister |
N. STRICKSTROCK Birth: September 16, 1881 — Dietzenrode Death: September 16, 1881 — Dietzenrode |
3 years elder brother |
Andreas Werner STRICKSTROCK Birth: August 25, 1884 — Dietzenrode Death: |
3 years himself |
Friedrich Reinhold STRICKSTROCK Birth: August 9, 1887 — Dietzenrode Death: April 23, 1894 — Dietzenrode |
4 years younger brother |
Wilhelm Martin STRICKSTROCK Birth: July 5, 1891 — Dietzenrode Death: |
6 years younger sister |
Christiane Marie STRICKSTROCK Birth: July 5, 1897 — Dietzenrode Death: |