Johann Christian THOENE–
- Name
- Johann Christian THOENE
Birth of a son #1 | Carl Ludwig THOENE about 1833 Note: ehel. Sohn des zu Wethen im Fürstenthum Waldeck verstorbenen Ackerwirths Johann Christian THOENE und dessen ebenfalls verstorbenen Ehefrau Johanna Wilhelmine Henriette geb. KRANTZ; Alter: 1860=26 Jahre,9 Monate
Marriage of a child | Carl Ludwig THOENE — Catharina Elisabethe FIEDLER — View this family June 3, 1860 Source: Fr,H1860/01 |
Occupation | Ackerwirth yes |
Place | Wethen yes |
Death | yes |
Religion | EV yes |
Family with Johanna Wilhelmine Henriette KRANTZ |
himself |
Johann Christian THOENE Death: |
wife | |
son |
Carl Ludwig THOENE Birth: about 1833 Death: |